Meg's (Ad)Ventures

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Oh Karma, How I Love Thee...

Today was perhaps the hardest moment I have experienced as a parent. All smiles, Sofia played with the doctor as she was poked and prodded for her 2-month check-up. She weighed in at a whopping 10 pounds, 11 ounces (almost TWICE her original weight!) and was measured at 22 and 1/4 inches (almost 4 inches longer from when she was born). After a few moments and basic questions, she pulled out 3 HUGE needles, looked at me and said, " This is probably going to make her cry."


I held my breath and grabbed onto Sofia's little fingers trying to distract her from the impending doom of vaccination needles. I HATE needles, so surely my daughter will too! The nurse wiped her leg down with alcohol...Sofia SCREAMED. "Great." I thought. "She hasn't even been poked yet. This could be bad." Needless to say, after three shots into her cute little thighs, she had cried so hard she had the silent cry going on - you know, contorted, red face with tears but no sound...This really stunk. I felt terrible.

Just after the doctor finished, she looked at me and said, "Now Meghan, have you had your flu shot yet this year?" Oh crap. I HATE NEEDLES! As I tried to talk my way out of getting the shot (to no avail), Sofia oddlly stopped crying. Karma, perhaps?

We have both taken Tylenol.


Anonymous said...

Oh, those shots are so hard on us as parents! I am thinking of you. I can't wait to see all of you when you are in Michigan!

Anonymous said...

I feel your pain, Meg. Shots are simply awful no matter how you get them. Good thing you didn't know you were going to get one!!
