Meg's (Ad)Ventures

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Racing Mind

It's late. I have so much to do, I can't seem to get my mind to slow down. I leave for Jamaica on Friday evening for Marissa's wedding. I am both excited and nervous - a much needed break, but also the first time I have been away from Sofia for more than 24 hours. Needless to say, I am going to miss my beloved hubby and my lovebug, Sofia.

Before I go, I have to:
-finish grading 120 tests
-write lesson plans for my sub
-invoke the fear of God into my students so they don't mess around while I am gone
-finish packing
-pick up my bridesmaid dress from the seamstress
-pay bills
-send Christmas gifts
-do laundry
-bring Sofia in for a flu shot
-practice my guitar
-practice my guitar
-oh, and did I meantion, practice my guitar???

I have no idea how I am going to get all of this done by Thursday night. It is a really good thing that there is a BLARING light at the end of this tunnel!!!


Kim said...

That's the one nice thing about teaching 3rd graders. All you have to do is tell them that you know Santa and presto! Fear of god invoked.

Anonymous said...

I really got behind on the blog! The twins look really cute - Matt & Stacy must really be proud. Have fun in the sun - bring back a little sand! Sofia is just growing too fast - she will have fun with the twins as they all grow up. I'll keep an eye on Chris while you're gone!