Meg's (Ad)Ventures

Friday, June 29, 2007

Jack Is Famous!

MONTHS ago, I submitted several photos of Jack-the-cat to my ultimate favorite website, Stuff On My Cat. As embarassing as it is, I literally check the site everyday to get a good laugh and see if Jack's picture made it. This morning, to my surprise, I clicked on the site and there was Jack! The picture is of him in a sack and the caption says, I'm off to live my life as an apricot. Check out the site!


Anonymous said...

I really can't get over how funny that is. The comments that people wrote below were kinda weird, but hilarious:)

Kim said...

I'm so jealous! I've submitted numerous pictures but none have made it yet.

Congrats to the famous Jack!

Anonymous said...

Cat "residue" all over the kitchen counters where food is prepared - yech.

Anonymous said...

Hey Kerri, I will let you know I clean the counters before I prep food and I use a cutting board, thank you very much!!!