Meg's (Ad)Ventures

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Day 290: Yoga and Burpees for Three

Sofia has become quite interested in the massive increase of physical activity that Chris and I have partaken in. When either one of us gets home from working out she'll ask, "So um, what kinda exercises and moves did you do today?"  and follows up with "can we do them?" Her favorite, by far, is the burpee -- a series of  movements that involve squatting, push-ups and jumping. I think a lot of her inquiry about physical activity has come from the different programs that she participates her in at school -- Fun Bus (yup, you read that right), dance and yoga.

Tonight, after Nico went to bed, Sofia asked if we could do some burpees and yoga. Umm, ok! She carefully arranged all the furniture and delineated our space with her jumprope so we each had a place. Then,  we did 10 burpees together (NOT easy!) followed by Master Yogi Sofia leading us in several yoga poses to stretch our bodies. It was awesome. And we giggled. A lot.

I love that our daughter is falling in love with being healthy and active. This is beyond fantastic and for this, I am thankful.

1 comment:

Momma Mia said...

I have an image of the three of you doing down dog in my head and it makes me smile. Love that Sofia!