Meg's (Ad)Ventures

Monday, December 07, 2015

Impromptu Friendship

Making friends as a grown up is hard. I mean, really, there is every excuse in the book for why we don't or can't reach out to new people to put into our lives. I am completely guilty of this on occasion.

Tonight, I was reminded just how important it is to continue pursuing connections in our lives even as we get older. After our monthly PTC meeting at the kids' school, I headed out for a glass of wine with one of my board members. We had originally planned to talk about committee stuff but ended up just talking to talk.

It was a delight.

Sometimes I don't realize what I need until I'm in the midst of it all. I was reminded tonight of the power of friendship and the good it can bring to my heart.

And for this, I am thankful.

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