Meg's (Ad)Ventures

Wednesday, November 04, 2015

Leading With a Limp

Tonight I capped off 3 solid days of going a gazillion miles per hour by teaching my Secondary Methods course at Aquinas. Each month, I continue to be inspired by this group of future teachers. Inspired as I may be, I was still dragging my feet when it came time to head to campus. I was whipped and the thought of teaching for another 3 hours felt daunting. 

As soon as class began and we started to dive into the book we had been reading over the last month, I began to feel energized by their questions and ideas. The focus tonight was around one of my great passions in education: technology...and these kids had done an outstanding job of analyzing some of the most recent research. However, when one of my students asked a question in front of the group that I know was difficult to ask, I went from energized to impressed. It took guts to put herself out there and show that she was unsure of something in front of her peers. She set herself up as a leader that others could follow.

My student left class this evening with her head held a little higher (and a bit wiser too!). I was reminded this evening how important it is to put ourselves out be lead with a limp. 

And for this, I am thankful.

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